
(english below)

WAKI MONO 官方網站由歪奇創意有限公司所經營;

為了維護您的個人隱私權以及個人資料保護,WAKI MONO 官方網站謹以下列聲明,向您說明WAKI MONO官方網站蒐集個人資料之目的、類別、利用範圍及方式、以及您所得行使之權利等事項。


1. 適用範圍

WAKI MONO 官方網站隱私權聲明及其所包含之告知事項,僅適用於WAKI MONO 官方網站所擁有及經營的網站。 WAKI MONO 官方網站內可能包含許多連結、或其他合作夥伴及個別開店店家所提供的商品或服務,關於該等連結網站、合作夥伴網站或個別開店店家之網路店家的隱私權聲明及與個人資料保護有關之告知事項,請參閱各該連結網站、合作夥伴網站或個別開店店家之網路店家。


2. 個人資料蒐集之目的與類別

WAKI MONO官方網站為了提供電子商務服務、售後服務、履行法定或合約義務、保護當事人及相關利害關係人之權益、行銷、客戶管理與服務、以及經營合於營業登記項目或組織章程所定之業務等目的,依照各服務之性質,有可能會蒐集您的姓名、連絡方式(包括但不限於電話、E-MAIL及地址等)、為完成收款或付款所需之資料、IP位址、及其他得以直接或間接識別使用者身分之個人資料。 此外,為提升服務品質,WAKI MONO 官方網站會依照所提供服務之性質,記錄使用者的IP位址、以及在 WAKI MONO 官方網站相關網頁或APP內的瀏覽活動(例如,使用者所使用的軟硬體、所點選的網頁、下載的APP)等資料,但是這些資料僅供作流量分析和網路行為調查,以便於改善歪奇創意有限公司相關網站的服務品質,不會和特定個人相連繫。 


3. 個人資料的利用

WAKI MONO 官方網站所蒐集的足以識別使用者身分的個人資料、消費與交易資料,或日後經您同意而提供之其他個人資料,都僅供WAKI MONO 官方網站於其內部、依照蒐集之目的進行處理和利用、或為完成提供服務或履行合約義務之必要、或依照相關法令規定或有權主管機關(包括但不限於法院或票據交換所)之命令或要求,否則 WAKI MONO官方網站不會將足以識別使用者身分的個人資料提供給第三人(包括境內及境外)、或移作蒐集目的以外之使用。 WAKI MONO官方網站會持續保管、處理及利用相關資料。在上開蒐集目的範圍內,本商店會將所蒐集的個人資料,提供予合作廠商(包括但不限金流、宅配貨運業者、商品供應商或其他)以協助交易完成或終止。若選擇以信用卡方式支付,僅限信用卡持卡人本人使用,且得就此交易資料向發卡銀行、收單行及持卡人照會並確認是否屬實,於核對無誤後付款程序才算完成。在會員有效期間內,以及法令所定應保存之期間內,本網站會持續保管、處理及利用。 


4. 資料安全

歪奇創意有限公司將以合於產業標準之合理技術及程序,維護WAKI MONO 官方網站個人資料之安全。 


5. 資料當事人之權利

資料當事人可以請求查詢、閱覽本人的個人資料或要求給予複本。若您的個人資料有變更、或發現您的個人資料不正確,可以向 WAKI MONO 官方網站要求修改或更正。當蒐集個人資料之目的消失或期限屆滿時,您可要求刪除、停止處理或利用個人資料。但因WAKI MONO官方網站執行職務或業務所必須者,不在此限。


6. Cookie

為了便利使用者,WAKI MONO官方網站可能會讀取儲存在使用者電腦中的cookie資料。使用者可以經由瀏覽器的設定,取消、或限制此項功能,但可能因此無法使用部份網站功能。若您想知道如何取消、或限制此項功能,請與,WAKI MONO官方網站客服中心聯絡。


7. Google Analyics(分析)廣告功能

本服務已安裝 Google Analytics (分析) 廣告功能。本功能僅用於提供 歪奇創意有限公司分析廣告投放效益及優化使用流程,如您欲停用 Google Analytics (分析) 廣告功能,建議您可參考Google所提供 不透露資訊的方式以停用該服務。


8. 影響

若您不願意提供各服務或交易所要求的相關個人資料予 WAKI MONO官方網站,並同意 WAKI MONO官方網站就該等個人資料依法令規定、以及本隱私權聲明及其相關告知內容為相關之個人資料蒐集、處理、利用及國際傳輸,WAKI MONO官方網站將尊重您的決定,但依照各該服務之性質或條件,您可能因此無法使用該等服務或完成相關交易, WAKI MONO官方網站並保留是否同意提供該等相關服務或完成相關交易之權利。


 9. 隱私權政策之修改

歪奇創意有限公司有權隨時修訂本隱私權聲明及相關告知事項,並得於修訂後公佈在WAKI MONO官方網站,不另行個別通知,您可以隨時在 WAKI MONO官方網站上詳閱修訂後的隱私權聲明及相關告知事項。






The WAKI MONO Official Site (the “Site”) is owned and operated by WAKI Creative Co., Ltd.

Please read this privacy policy carefully to understand how we handle our information. By using the services, you acknowledge you have read and understand the privacy policy and that we will collect, use and share your information as set forth below.


This Privacy Policy describes how WAK Creative Co., Ltd (“we”, WAKI Creative or “us”) collects, uses, shares and secures the personal information you provide in relation to the Sites only and does not represent all privacy practices conducted by us in our other businesses. It describes your choices regarding use, access and correction of your personal information. The use of information collected through the Sites shall be limited to the purposes of: (i) providing the service for which a client of IDEO (“Client”) has engaged IDEO; (ii) providing a service to you and other Users of the Sites (“Users”); and/or (iii) the purpose for which you signed up to receive communications from us. If you do not want your personal information to be used as set forth in this Privacy Policy, please do not use these Sites.



The type of information we collect from you depends on how you use our Sites. When using our Sites, we may collect and process a wide range of personal information about you. This includes: 

  • your first and last name, contact information, email address, image, Username, physical address, and contents of your communication.
  • Payment details, payment card details, bank account details, financial transactions and refunds. 
  • Any communications, responses, and result surveys
  • Personal history and information including hobbies, interests and your preferences. 
  • Device data where you use our apps or website which may include information about the device you use, the IP address, usernames and account details, location data which may include your current location disclosed by your own software.
  • Information that could be used to identify or contact you is considered “Personal Information” under this Privacy Policy.

We may use your information, including your Personal Information, for the following purposes:

  • To better understand how Users access and use our Sites, both on an aggregated and individual User basis, on individual Sites and across them in order to improve our Sites and respond to User desires and preferences, and for other research and analytical purposes;
  • To provide our services to you, which may include communicating with you about your use of our Sites and services, responding to your inquiries, troubleshooting problems, working with our third-party providers to process your orders and for other customer service purposes;
  • To tailor the content and information that we may send or display to you, provide personalized help and instructions, and to otherwise personalize your experiences while using the Sites;
  • For marketing, and promotional purposes, including, for example, to send you news and newsletters, promotions, or to otherwise contact you about projects, opportunities or information we think may interest you provided you have opted into receiving such communications from us; to administer surveys and questionnaires; and
  • To protect our own rights and interests, such as to resolve any disputes, enforce our Terms of Use, and to respond to legal requests.
  • To allow you to access and register for our services more easily (e.g., in the setting up of personal profile accounts through third-party businesses you are already signed up to, such as Facebook or Google).



We and our partners may use cookies or similar technologies to analyze trends, administer the Sites, gather demographic information about our User base as a whole, and track Users’ movements around the Sites. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your browser or devices when you visit the Site for web analysis or to remember user settings and also allows us to improve our Sites and services.

Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies, but you can set your cookie preferences in your browser to refuse all cookies or to indicate when a cookie is being sent. If you choose to disable cookies, it may limit your use of certain features or functions on our Sites or services. If you wish to restrict or block the cookies that are set by any website you should do this through each individual browser setting and on each device you use to access the Internet. You can allow cookies from specific websites by making them “trusted websites” in your Internet browser.



We employ other parties to process personal data on our behalf. These are our payments providers, shipping providers, information technology providers, mailing or messaging companies and marketing companies.

These selected parties may process your personal data only to the extent that is necessary to perform such functions on our behalf and subject to our instructions.

We may disclose your personal data to outside individuals and/or companies who help us  bring you the products and services we offer; create, operate, and maintain the Site(s). We provide these companies only with the information they need to perform their services.

We may share data collected on the Sites, including email addresses, to show you and others personalized advertisements on third party websites and online services. In order to facilitate this, we may share data collected on the Sites with third parties who will help us identify user profiles to target in our advertising campaigns, and analyze and maximize the effectiveness of the Site and our advertising and marketing outreach initiatives.

We can be obliged to share your personal data with third parties in case of legal obligations.



We use reasonable physical, procedural, technical and administrative security measures to protect your Personal Information against loss or theft as well as unauthorized access and disclosure to protect your privacy. However, no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure. Therefore, while we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.



WAKI Creative acknowledges that you have the right to access, to delete, and to limit the sharing of your Personal Information. You may delete and amend your account preferences for all of our Sites stated above which will limit the Personal Information you provide to us. You may contact us at any time at

We may retain your information for as long as your account is active or as needed to provide you services, comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes and enforce our agreements. In certain circumstances we may be required by law to retain your Personal Information, or may need to retain your Personal Information in order to continue providing a service.

Please be advised that any information you post to a bulletin board, message board, chat room, community, or other forum is publicly viewable. We strongly recommend that all Users avoid posting personal or sensitive information at any time.

Please note that removal of this content or information from public view does not guarantee complete or comprehensive removal. After your removal request has been honored, we may retain copies of the content or information you have previously posted on our servers. We are not required to remove your posted content or information if it has been rendered anonymous or if we are required by law to retain it. Additionally, we do not have control over third parties (e.g., other Users) who may have copied or reposted this information.

If requested to remove data we will respond within a reasonable timeframe and in accordance with applicable law. WAKI Creative will retain this Personal Information as necessary to comply with our legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce our agreements.

In addition to your right to opt out, delete, amend your information at any time as stated in this policy, in the event WAKI Creative desires to use your Personal Information for a purpose materially different than the purposes set forth in this Privacy Policy, it will contact you via the email address listed on your account and you shall have the opportunity to opt out of such use of your information.

Please note that if WAKI Creative has provided your email address to third party services such as Facebook (or you have registered for our services using such third parties) and if you wish to have your personal data removed from such third-party service, you may have to contact them directly as they may seek your authority to do so.



We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Policy at any time to reflect changes to our practices or the law. The date at the top of the Privacy Policy tells you when this it as last updated. Changes made to the Privacy Policy will be available on the Site without further notice. Any changes to this Privacy Policy will become effective when the revised Privacy Policy is posted.  By continuing to use the Site following any changes to this Privacy Policy, you acknowledge you have read and understand the updated Privacy Policy, and you understand that we will collect, use, and share information as stated therein.
